Elin:My Home
My home is a location in Elin. The player may claim any parcel of land as My Home.
My Home
Within My Home, the player can build structures with a variety of materials, and create a number of structures. Furniture may be placed in My Home. Npcs may be recruited to live within My Home and may be assigned to Jobs.
See Housing for more details.
Starting Locations
The meadow starting location provides the player with many plants, a small lake for fishing, and a more convenient location for paying taxes. It is located to the south, near Olvina, Mysilia, and Derphy.
If you choose the normal Meadow, the game starts on 5/12 of 485; if you choose the winter Meadow, the game starts on 1/12 of 485.
Hill Cave
The Hill Cave starting location has very few plants and no water, but Ashland provides the player with a hammer in the tutorial quest. This item allows the player to deconstruct items into Materials earlier, and allows for a very different progression path. It is located to the north, near Aquli Teola.
The game starts on 5/12/485 for the hill cave and you cannot choose the winter cave.