Elin:Detail of Food
Eating food, you get direct and potential EXP in skills corresponding to the foo traits. The amount of EXP you get has some RNG.
Nutrition and Hunger
Hunger is a value between 0 to 100. It indicates how hungry you are.
0 ー 9: Bloated
10 ー 29: Filled
30 ー 59: NO POP UP
60 ー 79: Hungry
80 ー 89: Very Hungry
90 ー 100: Starving
Without feats that change the amout of diet, eating food reduces Hunger by the number of nutrition the food has.
The amount of EXP propotionally increases as the nutrition increases.
However, if nutrition exceeds Hunger, the value of Hunger before diet is used in calculating EXP instead.
Even in Bloated state, your hunger could be nonzero, as Bloated is a state with 0-9 Hunger.
How ingredients' nutrition affects the nutriet of the product
The formula is as below.
[nutrition of the product] = [(sum of all nutrition of the ingredients) + (bonus value)] * [ 1 - {Gourmet3 compensation + 0.05(# of ingredients -1)} ]
The bonus is a relatively small integer decided by the type of the food. For example, the bonus is 4 for meat on the bone.
Gourmet3 compensation is 0.1.
Taken together, with Gourmet3 feat, the nutrition of the product is approximately (the sum of all nutrition of the ingredients) * 0.7.
Feats changing Hunger Loss
The relation between the decline in Hunger and nutrition is as below.
Decline in Hunger = Nutrition * ( 100 + Light Eater Lv. * 10) / ( 100 + Heavy Eater Lv. * 10 + From North Lv. * 15 )
Light Eater feat increases the decline in Hunger by the numorator, while Heavy Eater and From North feats mitigates the decline in Hunger by increasing the denominator.少
Important point is that these feats do not change the EXP you get from eating food, and they are just changing the amount of decline in Hunger.
When You Have Lv.2 Heavy Eater
NPC and automatic eatingn of PC try to eat food when their Hunger is above or equal to 60, therefore this example regards eating food with 60 nutrition when yoour Hunger is 60.
Decline in Hunger = 60 * 100 / (100 + 2 * 10) = 50
So, while you gain EXP as if your Hunger decreased by 60, you lose only 50 Hunger in reality.
Next exaample is about eating food with 72 nutrition when yoour Hunger is 60.
Decline in Hunger = 72 * 100 / (100 + 2 * 10) = 60
Because nutrition exceeds Hunger, you get the same amout of EXP as the previous example but your Hunger declines by 60.
Larger decline in Hunger means longer interval between each diets. This leads to less chance of gaining EXP from food.
The supermacy of low nutrition food exitsts if the diet traits you have negate decline in Hunger.
In conclusion, you should eat food with nutrition lower or equal to 60 to maximmize your EXP gain, as eating it doesn't waste your Hunger.
When You Have Lv.2 Light Eater.
Suppose eating food with 60 nutrition when yoour Hunger is 60.
Decline in Hunger = 60 * (100 + 2 * 10) / 100 = 72
So, while you gain EXP as if your Hunger decreased by 60, you lose 72 Hunger.
However, as Hunger cannot become negative, you actually lose 60 Hunger.
When eating food with 50 nutrition
Decline in Hunger = 50 * (100 + 2 * 10) / 100 = 60
Thus, you lose 60 Hunger as well.
This time, yo get less EXP as you intake less nutrition.
In conclusion, you should eat food with nutrition higher or equal to 60 to maximize your EXP gain, as eating it leads to skipping unwanted Hunger loss.
EXP calculation
How Ingredients Affect the Food Trait of the Product
Food Trait
While some simple dishes have additional fod traits, food traits of most of the dishes are mere addition of traits of ingredients.
However, the Lv. shown and the actual number of effects are unmatched. For example, if you make a dish out of 2 ingredients that have STR Lv.8, the product will have STR Lv.15.
But there are exceptions: sky blue food traits don't add up and the larger one survives.
For example, if you make a dish out of 2 ingredients that have Collagen Lv.3 and Collagen Lv.4, the product will have Collagen Lv.4.
Quality Lv.
The Quality Lv. of the product in cooking is decided in the same manner as normal creation. In other word, the ingredient with highest quality matters. If you have recipe Lv. and cooking skill enough, the product will have the same quality as the ingredient with highest quality.
Bless and Curse
If there exists a blessed ingredient, the product too will be blessed.
This mechanic can be used to make use of blessed milk randomly generated in ranching.
Other Traits
Other traits including【Rarity】 Lv.-2 are inherited by the product in the same way as creation.
EXP Formula
Disregarding RNG, the EXP is as below.
[ direct/potential EXP to each stats] = [Nutrition] * [Food Traits] * [ 1 + "Quality Lv." + "Gourmet3" + "Dining Spot" + "Just Prepared" ] * [other factor1] * [other factor2] ....
Food traits are propotional to the numbers roughly calculated by substructing 1 from the food trait Lv..
"Quality Lv." is 1 for Lv.1 and increases 0.1 for every quality Lv. up to 1 when quality Lv. is 11.
"Gourmet3" is 0.05.
"Dining Spot" is 0.1 if you eat inside a dining spot defined by a dining sign.
"Just Prepared is 0.1.
There are several other factors.
They get multiplied by each other, making them most powerful variables in the formula.
- When you are hungry/very hungry/starving, 1.1.
- For blessed food, 1.5. For cursed food, 0.5.
- For NPCs, 3.
- When you have Efficient Feeder feat, 1.25.
- When you have anorexia, 0.01.
- When you eat food with Flesh Meat tag without cannibalism feat, 0.5.
- When you eat food with Flesh Meat tag with cannibalism feat, 1.5.
- When you eat food without Flesh Meat tag with cannibalism feat, 0.5.
The more and huge food effects food has, the more EXp it gives.