Elin:Sub Quest

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(Redirected from Elin:サブクエスト/en)

List of quests that can be taken regardless of the progress of the Main or Home scenario.

Dungeon Quest

Haunted Manor

You have been invited by Melilith, a mysterious girl living in an old mansion, to participate in a treasure hunt. You must delve deep into the basement of the mansion to find the hidden treasure. However, She has warned you that "only one treasure may be taken back with you."

  • Requirement: DLC "The Cursed Manor"
  • Location: The Cursed Manor
  • Client: Melilith
  • Description: Bring back the treasure from the treasure room on the 6th basement floor of The Cursed Manor.
  • Reward:Any of the items in the treasury
  • Remarks: It's not completely irreversible, but if you make the wrong choice, you could suffer a huge loss. The moment you pick up an item, you are judged to have chosen it, so choose your treasures carefully. The quest can be completed without defeating the boss at the lowest level.
Treasury Event Details (Spoiler. Click to view)

The following are the notable items in the treasury.

  • Rod of wish
  • 20 gold bars
  • Wig
  • ★Ticket to Befriend Melilith

When you pick up the treasure, a message will appear saying, "It would be better not to touch anything in this place any more," so just return to the surface and report to Melilith.

If you bring back the Ticket to Befriend Melilith, you can tell Melilith that you have given up on the other treasures, and she will join your party.

If a player picks up more than one treasure (the treasure is considered picked up when it is lifted; returning it to its original location is meaningless), the player gains the "Curse of the mansion" feat, which permanently reduces your luck by -10. If you pick up more than one treasure, Melilith will not join you even if you show the Ticket to Befriend Melilith to her. Therefore, players who have picked up multiple treasures will need to first lift the Curse of the Mansion in order to become friends with her.

This curse can be cured with the ★Feather of Healing, which can be purchased for 1,000,000 Orens at the December Festival in Noyel.

Breaking the curse will not change her reaction and probably not recoverable in the normal gameplay category.

It is possible to retrieve the remaining treasure in the treasury after making Melilith your friend, although you will be under a curse.

Guild Quest

You can receive it from each guild's keeper (guild master for merchant guilds only) at the guild initiation test.

Please refer to the Guilds page for the benefits of joining a guild.

Join the Fighter's Guild

The watchman of the Fighters Guild told you the details of the trial. You need to defeat several Yeeks to pass the trial.

  • Location: Port Kapul
  • Client:Doria
  • Content: Hunt any 20 "Yeek" enemies.

Join the Mages' Guild

According to the watchman of the Mages' Guild, you need a letter of recommendation from a member of the Mages' Guild to enter the academy. The letter of recommendation can be purchased at a store.

  • Location: Lumiest
  • Client: Lexus
  • Content: Bring a letter of recommendation for the academy
  • Remarks: The price of the letter of recommendation is about 1800 Orens.

Join the Thieves' Guild

The keeper of the Thieves' Guild informed me of the details of the entrance exam.

To pass the exam, you must accumulate crimes.

  • Location: Derphy
  • Client:Anastazija
  • Description: Accumulation of reduced karma will total -100
  • Remarks: The condition is not to reduce the current value of karma to -100, but to reduce the accumulated karma by a total of 100. If you recover the reduced amount by accomplishing requests, etc., you can join the guild even if your karma is at a positive value.

Join the Merchants Guild

Marian of the Merchants' Guild informed me of the details of the examination to join the guild.

To pass the exam, you must distribute flyers. Flyers can be purchased from the Guild Clerk.

  • Location: Merchants Guild
  • Client: Marian
  • Description: Distribute 30 flyers

Other Quests

Unknown Crater (unimplemented)


  • Requirement:Enter Lumiest Crater
  • Location: Lumiest
  • Client:
  • Contents:
  • Remarks: An unimplemented quest. In older versions, it was possible to receive orders, but it does not appear now.