Template:Infobox Profile/doc
The Infobox Profile is used for character pages. Copy the following box and fill it in for making NPC pages.
{{Infobox Profile | image =[[File:Elin_Npc_Portrait_Charname.png|100px|left]] | image2 =[[File:Elin_Npc_Sprite_Charname.png |50px|right]] | nameEn = <Name> | nameJa =『名前』 | alias = Alias of Alias | aliasJa = 異名 | gender = Gender | genderja = 性別 | title = Title | titleJa = 敬称 | level = ## | levelJa = ## | race = Race | raceJa = 種族 | class = Class | classJa = 種族 | faith = God the character worships | faithJa = 信仰 | faction = Faction | factionJA = 派属勢力 | str = ## | con = ## | dex = ## | per = ## | lea = ## | wil = ## | mag = ## | cha = ## }}