Elin:Code Analysis/Ether Diseases: Difference between revisions

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* Whenever it is time to set weather of the world, for EACH MEMBER of your team with this disease, 25% chance this will change the weather to rain.
* Whenever it is time to set weather of the world, for EACH MEMBER of your team with this disease, 25% chance this will change the weather to rain.
=== Head (Enlarged Head) ===
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case 1557:
ModBase(71, -a * (5 + num / 3), hide: false);
ModBase(72, -a * (4 + num / 4), hide: false);
ModBase(74, a * (6 + num / 2), hide: false);
ModBase(75, a * (2 + num / 6), hide: false);
* Four modifier for this disease:
** END by - (5 + Character LV / 3)
** DEX by - (4 + Character LV / 4)
** LEN by + (6 + Character LV / 2)
** WIL by + (2 + Character LV / 6)
=== Violence (Hunger For Slaughter) ===
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case 1556:
ModBase(64, -a * (10 + num), hide: false);
ModBase(67, a * (5 + num / 2), hide: false);
* This disease modify you DV by -(10 + Character Level), but increase your DMG by (5 + Character level / 2).
=== Neck (Thick Neck) ===
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case 1555:
ModBase(65, a * (12 + num), hide: false);
ModBase(77, -a * (5 + num / 5), hide: false);
if (!hint && a > 0)
* This disease increase you PV by (12 + Character Level), but also decrease you CHA by -(5+ Character level / 5).
* It also forcees you to unequip everything on your neck.
=== Wing (Ether Wing) ===
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case 1554:
ModBase(404, a * 10, hide: false);
ModBase(401, a, hide: false);
ModBase(79, a * (10 + num / 5), hide: false);
if (!hint && a > 0)
* This disease modify your weight (weightMod) by -10% per level.
* It also give you a level of levitation per level of disease. ('''Are there multiple level of levitations?''')
* It increases your Speed by (10 + Character LV / 5) per level.
* It force you to unequip everything on your back.
=== Eye (Third/Fourth Eye) ===
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case 1553:
ModBase(73, a * (5 + num / 3), hide: false);
ModBase(77, -a * (5 + num / 3), hide: false);
* This disease modify your PER by (5 + Character LV / 3), but also decrease your CHA by the same amount per level.
=== Feet (Hoof Transformation) ===
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case 1552:
ModBase(79, a * Mathf.Min(30 + num / 5, 100), hide: false);
if (!hint && a > 0)
* This disease increase your speed by (30 + Character Lv / 5), with a maximum of 100 (reached at Character LV 350).
* It also prevent you from equip anything on your feet.
=== Armor (Heavy Shell) ===
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case 1562:
ModBase(65, a * (15 + num / 2), hide: false);
ModBase(79, -a * (10 + num / 5), hide: false);
* This disease increase your PV by (15 + Character LV / 2), but also modify your speed by -(10 + Character LV / 5).
=== Ugly (Crumbling Face) ===
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case 1551:
ModBase(77, -a * (4 + num / 5), hide: false);
* This disease decrease your CHA by (4 + Character LV / 5) per level. There are three levels.
=== Gravity (Immense Gravity) ===
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case 1550:
ModBase(404, -a * 10, hide: false);
* This disease increase your weight (weightMod) by 10% per level. There are three levels.

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