Elin:Code Analysis/Faith: Difference between revisions

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* As of EA23.61, there are two Gift ranks for each god, and each of them is hardcoded at piety level 15 and 30. You will recieve a gift after reach each of these levels then manually pray to the god.
* As of EA23.61, there are two Gift ranks for each god, and each of them is hardcoded at piety level 15 and 30. You will recieve a gift after reach each of these levels then manually pray to the god.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#" line="1">
    int num = Mathf.Max(c.Evalue(306), 1);
    int num2 = 4;
if (orCreateElement.vBase >= num)
c.elements.SetBase(orCreateElement.id, num);
num2 = Mathf.Clamp(orCreateElement.vBase * 100 / num / 25, 0, 3);
if (num2 == 4 || orCreateElement.Value != value)
Msg.Say("piety" + num2, c, c.faith.TextGodGender);
* The above code controls the faith message when your piety levels up.
* There are 5 messages in all, determined by num2, ranging from (0~4).
* num2 will be calculated using your (Piety level / Faith level) * 4,rounded down to the nearest integer.
** So if <25%, num2 = 0; 25%~50%, num2 = 1, 50%~75%, num2 = 2, >75%, num2 = 3.
* If you are already at the maximum piety level, num2 = 4
* Then depend on num2, different message will be played.
* If you are at maximum piety (num2 = 4), then a message will always be shown.

==Ehekatl's School of Magic==
==Ehekatl's School of Magic==
