
Elin Npc Sprite Cute Fairy.png






Cute Fairy





名稱 小妖精
種族 使徒 職業 獵人 年齡 隨機 性別 男性 信仰 收穫之庫米羅妮
Lv 10 生命 50 瑪那 150 活力 100 速度 140
力量 21 體質 17 靈巧 25 感知 19 學習 15 意志 11 魔力 10 魅力 10
舉重 挖掘 4 挖洞
游泳 伐木 4 農業 0+5 自然治癒 4 馴獸 攀爬
解除陷阱 開鎖 偷竊 隱蔽 探索
採集 3 讀書 0+3 鑑定 解剖學 背誦
騎乘 7 旅行 釣魚 冥想 9 信仰 2 擠奶
魔力控制 魔力極限 魔道具 詠唱 9 共存 演奏 交涉 投資
木工 4 鍛造 雕刻 寶石加工 裁縫 0+4 製造 煉金 料理
雙手武器 重裝備 2 2 投擲 4 二刀流 輕裝備 11
戰術 9 回避 13 射擊 13 心眼 看穿 戰略
格鬥 8 長劍 2 9 4 2 長槍 3 鈍器 3
16 短劍 13 槍械 15
友好度 戰鬥AI 工作 興趣
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點11}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點11}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點11}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點11}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點12}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點12}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點11}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點11}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點12}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點12}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點13}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點13}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點2}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點2}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點3}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點3}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點4}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點4}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點5}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點5}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點6}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點6}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點7}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點7}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點8}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點8}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點9}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點9}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點10}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點10}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點11}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點11}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點12}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點12}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點13}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點13}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.、{{{地點14}}}Property "Where" (as page type) with input value "Elin:{{{地點14}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.


特徵 說明 效果
精靈的鱗粉2 你身上覆蓋著發光的鱗粉 魔法、暗黑、神經、地獄、聲音、精神、混沌抗性+10
妖精的腸胃 你對自然很友好 進食後吐出種子
射擊名人2 你很擅長進行射擊 遠程武器威力提升


  • 幻惑之箭
  • 減速
  • 眩暈凝視
  • 漂浮
  • 召喚觸手

