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Gift at which piety level?
int num = EClass.pc.Evalue(85);
if (giftRank == 0 && (num >= 15 || EClass.debug.enable))
Chara chara = CharaGen.Create(source.rewards[0]);
EClass._zone.AddCard(chara, point);
giftRank = 1;
return true;
if (source.rewards.Length >= 2 && giftRank == 1 && (num >= 30 || EClass.debug.enable))
string[] array = source.rewards[1].Split('|');
string[] array2 = array;
foreach (string text in array2)
Reforge(text, point, text == array[0]);
giftRank = 2;
return true;
- As of EA23.61, there are two Gift ranks for each god, and each of them is hardcoded at piety level 15 and 30. You will recieve a gift after reach each of these levels then manually pray to the god.
What messages are shown at which threshold?
int num = Mathf.Max(c.Evalue(306), 1);
int num2 = 4;
if (orCreateElement.vBase >= num)
c.elements.SetBase(orCreateElement.id, num);
num2 = Mathf.Clamp(orCreateElement.vBase * 100 / num / 25, 0, 3);
if (num2 == 4 || orCreateElement.Value != value)
Msg.Say("piety" + num2, c, c.faith.TextGodGender);
- The above code controls the faith message when your piety levels up.
- There are 5 messages in all, determined by num2, ranging from (0~4).
- num2 will be calculated using your (Piety level / Faith level) * 4,rounded down to the nearest integer.
- So if <25%, num2 = 0; 25%~50%, num2 = 1, 50%~75%, num2 = 2, >75%, num2 = 3.
- If you are already at the maximum piety level, num2 = 4
- Then depend on num2, different message will be played.
- If you are at maximum piety (num2 = 4), then a message will always be shown.
What message is shown at which offer value?
public int GetOfferingValue(Thing t, int num = -1)
if (num == -1)
num = t.Num;
int num2 = 0;
if (t.source._origin == "meat")
num2 = Mathf.Clamp(t.SelfWeight / 10, 1, 1000);
if (t.refCard == null)
num2 /= 10;
string[] cat_offer = source.cat_offer;
foreach (string key in cat_offer)
if (t.category.IsChildOf(key))
num2 = Mathf.Clamp(t.SelfWeight / 10, 50, 1000);
num2 *= EClass.sources.categories.map[key].offer / 100;
if (num2 == 0)
return 0;
if (t.IsDecayed)
num2 /= 10;
num2 = num2 * (100 + Mathf.Min(t.LV * 2, 100) + (t.HasElement(757) ? 50 : 0)) / 100;
return Mathf.Max(num2, 1) * num;
- The offer value is calculated with the following
- num is the number of items you offered.
- num2 will be the offering value per item, with minimum value of "1".
- If the item is meat, then;
- The weight of meat is divided by 10 (to know that 1000 weight = 1.0s), with minimum value of 1 and maximum value of 1000.
- If this meat is unlabelled (i.e. not being a meat drop by entity) the value is further divided by 10.
- Because the divide operator is rounding down to nearest int, this means it is possible to obtain 0 offer value if you are offering unlabelled meat lower than 0.1s.
- If the item is of category a god will take (not meat), then:
- The weight of item is divided by 10, but with a minimum value of 50 and maximum value of 1000.
- Therefore, the weight of item will still count, but anything less than 0.5s will count as 0.5s.
- The number is then multiplied by the category value.
- As of EA23.61, the multipler apply to instrument(*5), rod (*3), catalyst (*3), ancient book (*5), spell book (*4), skill book (*10), map (*4).
- The weight of item is divided by 10, but with a minimum value of 50 and maximum value of 1000.
- If the item is decayed (rotten), the offer value is further divided by 10.
- Because the decayed check is done after the 0 offer value check, you won't get 0 offer value if your item is only rotten, but lablled.
- For example a labelled, 0.7s non-rotten meat will generate a offer value of 70.
- The final value is modified by the following:
- The offer value will increase by 2% per each level of the item, at most 100% (for LV 50). (See in resource/things/LV. Meat and most items are LV 1, most equipments range from 10-20, rarest at lv 60)
- A further 50% additive modifier is applied if "Just cooked" state is on the offering item.
public void _OnOffer(Chara c, Thing t, int takeoverMod = 0)
bool @bool = t.GetBool(115);
int offeringValue = Deity.GetOfferingValue(t, t.Num);
offeringValue = offeringValue * (c.HasElement(1228) ? 130 : 100) / 100;
if (takeoverMod == 0)
if (offeringValue >= 200)
Msg.Say("god_offer1", t);
else if (offeringValue >= 100)
Msg.Say("god_offer2", t);
else if (offeringValue >= 50)
Msg.Say("god_offer3", t);
Msg.Say("god_offer4", t);
Msg.Say("god_offer1", t);
offeringValue += Deity.GetOfferingValue(t, 1) * takeoverMod;
int num = Mathf.Max(c.Evalue(306), 1);
Element orCreateElement = c.elements.GetOrCreateElement(85);
int value = orCreateElement.Value;
c.elements.ModExp(orCreateElement.id, offeringValue * 2 / 3);
- The previously calculated offeringValue will return to this function, then the message displayed will be determined.
- But first, if the character is demigod, the offeringValue will be further offset by 30%.
- The offering value threshold for each message is 200, 100, 50.
- So a piece of meat of 2.2s should generate the best possible message...but a 1.7s meat will not (tested).
- HOWEVER, the experience gained towards Piety is only calculated at two-thirds of the offering value.
- Thus to increase piety level by 1, you need to offer items with 1500 offer value, thus gaining 1000 piety experiences.
Piety level up
if (element.vExp >= element.ExpToNext)
int num = element.vExp - element.ExpToNext;
int vBase = element.vBase;
ModBase(ele, 1);
OnLevelUp(element, vBase);
element.vExp = Mathf.Clamp(num / 2, 0, element.ExpToNext / 2);
if (element.vTempPotential > 0)
element.vTempPotential -= element.vTempPotential / 4 + EClass.rnd(5) + 5;
if (element.vTempPotential < 0)
element.vTempPotential = 0;
else if (element.vTempPotential < 0)
element.vTempPotential += -element.vTempPotential / 4 + EClass.rnd(5) + 5;
if (element.vTempPotential > 0)
element.vTempPotential = 0;
- This, in fact, apply to all level ups.
- If you increased your piety level, the remaining experiences will be cut in half, then at most half to the next level can be retained.
- So if you gained 3000 piety exp, you leveled up from empty, remaining is 2000 exp, but you can only retain 500 exp (half to the next level)
- If you increased your piety level, the remaining experiences will be cut in half, then at most half to the next level can be retained.
if (a < 0 && BaseStats.CC.HasElement(1330, 1)) { a = -EClass.rnd(-a * 130 / 100 + 2); }
つまり、マナやスタミナを消費する際、 0~(元の消費量の1.3倍+2)の範囲で乱数を取った値が新しい消費量になります。